IBC | How To Manage Your Digital Assets
Know how to manage your digital assets at IBC.
Know how to manage your digital assets at IBC.
Know your guide to choose the right DAM.
Read more about the challenges of managing large videos.
Know how creators struggle with AP and VR.
Big online businesses are terrible at workflow and should stick with what they do best rather than trying to be everything to everyone. Know more.
So what are you supposed to do if you are relatively new to video yet you know that you want to put video at the heart of your content strategy?
Tired of using email to work on creative video projects? We all are. Read on to see why email is terrible at this, and what companies are doing to fix it.
This is my mixed reality. It’s a reality that has washed over me without so much as a pause to acknowledge it. Read more.
Choose a video asset management platform with a really easy to use interface and make sure you have easy access to multi-format transcoding.
“We’re like an enterprise YouTube. Videos are big, complex files.” said Brodeur. Read more.
In order for something to be searchable, it needs to be stored properly. And video storage is a massive problem in many companies. Read more.
For some reason, content creators and the brands they work for think that reviewing video needs to be hard work.
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