DAM! Enterprise Video Is So Popular — Part 3

What Do You Need In A DAM?

As the use of video in business continues to increase, enterprises need to have a growth strategy in mind in addition to fulfilling their current needs. So, they need to look for a platform that provides extensive management capabilities to streamline their process, combined with the facility to scale up video production in the future. The Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Video 2019 identifies the following key capabilities of a DAM as essential:

1. Capture/Recording and Publishing 

  • – Ability to capture, tag, and edit a video recording 
  • – Ability to publish

2. Video Content Management/Portal 

  • – Ability to store video content and display it in different modes for users 
  • – Ability to deliver video content to multiple devices (includes transcoding) 
  • – Ability to provide delivery of video content to global locations (via content delivery network capabilities)
  • – Ability to search for content 
  • – APIs for integration

3. Live Video: Streaming and Integration 

  • – Ability to deliver a live broadcast to a large number of users 
  • – Ability to record the live broadcast for later use 
  • – The ability to connect with existing video conferencing systems for capture or for broadcast federation 

4. Content Analytics 

  • – The ability to analyze what is happening in a video, either live or after the fact 
  • – The ability to recognize people and images in a video or image 
  • – The ability to recognize sentiment of people talking in a video 

Why Use Overcast?

Overcast is specially designed for enterprises. Our streamlined process means that your team will be able to collaborate effortlessly on video. You’ll be amazed at how fast reviews and approvals are, no matter where in the world your team is. AI-powered search enables you to find whatever clips you’re looking for in the cloud-based repository. You’ll save lots of time with speedy file transfer and no-one will be tearing their hair out trying to format videos for various channels: our platform will do that for you at the click of a button. And since it’s encrypted, you can feel secure in the knowledge that your files are protected. So why not contact us today for a free trial to make your life easier and save you time and money?

Creative Services: How A Collaboration Platform Can Make Your Life Easier

A Challenging Remit

Being the Head of Creative Services isn’t an easy remit. It involves managing a team of people, all of whom have their own ways of creating visual and graphic content. It also involves meeting tight deadlines, which can be tricky on a project that requires a lot of input from different people. And it demands leadership because the buck stops with you in terms of delivering projects to your clients—on time and within budget — that are aligned to corporate goals. 

While juggling all of these challenges, you’re aiming to deliver top quality content, cultivate a strong brand voice through that content, and ensure consistency of brand messaging through digital marketing channels.

Ease of Collaboration

Every project is unique, requires different deliverables and involves the collaboration of your creative team. Some projects may involve the input of creatives who haven’t collaborated with each other before. Each user is used to their own way of working, so it falls to you to ensure the workflow is efficient and problem-free. 

A technology platform that facilitates a seamless process will be your best friend. You can then be confident that creatives can collaborate on their drafts, including large video files, in a shared private cloud space where each version is saved. This allows you to ensure that everyone is adhering to the remit and is ‘on message’. 

Fast Review and Approvals

Once the creative services team has agreed on a close-to-final draft, you’ll need to get feedback from stakeholders, management and clients as quickly as possible. Since some of these may be on the road, they need to be able to share their comments from any device anywhere in the world. Instant commenting — like instant messaging — facilitates real-time feedback. Oh, we need to stamp all comments with timecodes from the video so your team knows exactly what part of the video the feedback refers to. 

All of these features of a digital asset management (DAM) platform ensure your reviews and approvals save lots of time — up to 75% time-saving if you use Overcast HQ.

Search and Ye Shall Find

How much time is lost through searching for a clip or an asset, only to discover that it was in the DAM all along but not tagged? This can significantly delay the delivery of a project and compromise your relationships with clients. A powerful filtering system should also allow you to find your content in other ways: by date, file type, project, keyword, image or phrase. 

On top of these two fab functions, the secret ingredient is AI! Using artificial intelligence, you can search your video clips for words, objects, colours, events, settings, sounds and facial recognition. So now you’ll have no difficulty locating that clip where your top client endorses your services as “sensational”. 

Speed To Market

Pumping out compelling marketing content constantly can also be a challenge, especially since consumers are demanding personalized content. A recent Adobe survey showed it takes brands, on average, 17 hours to create a single piece of short-form content. This rises to 27 hours to create a single piece of long-form content, such as video. The survey concluded that it takes companies, on average, 12 days to take a single piece of content to market! 

A key way to slash that time is to use a DAM that transcodes clips at the touch of a button and publishes it in formats optimized for just about everything — from broadcast quality to Facebook or even Kindle.

Future-proof Your Workflow

Planning for future growth is likely to be part of your role and as you expand, so does your team and your content output. You may already be working with a DAM, but is it suitable for your future needs or are cracks starting to show?

We’re in an era where 4K isn’t unusual and resolutions will continue to improve. This will result in larger and larger file sizes. Not only does your DAM need to be able to store such big files, but it must also be able to transcode and render them automatically. Otherwise, you’ll have long delays and may have to engage an editor or technician to break the deadlock. 

The Brand Champion

As the champion of your brand, you inspire and lead your team. You manage relationships with stakeholders and clients. You spearhead your company’s culture through marketing materials. Why not invest in a DAM that serves your content needs and allows your talent, capability and vision to shine?

Does Size Matter?

“Video consumption grows 100%+ every year” — YouTube.

The global online video platform in media and entertainment market is projected to grow at an annual rate (CAGR) of 17.5% from 2018 to 2025 (— Allied Market Research). Businesses will ignore it at their peril.

In our last two blog posts, we explored search and collaboration, as well as management and video production. Once created, video needs a home to live in (storage) and a destination to go to (distribution). Today we are talking about one of the fundamental challenges — size of video files.

Size matters

How big is Big Video?

1 hour of 4k (cinema-resolution) video shot for a 30-second TV ad is equal to 300GB — this is more than can fit on the average computer! To put it in further perspective, 1 year of CCTV video for an average police department amounts to 1.5PB (which is approximately 80,000 Harry Potter movies in HD)! 

PB? What on earth is a PB? Well, a petabyte — or PB — is a crazy large chunk of data. You’re on first name terms with a gigabyte (GB), right? And you may have been introduced to the terabyte (TB). A TB is 1,024 times bigger than a GB. Sounds like a lot? Think about this: the Hubble Space Telescope generates about 10 terabytes of new data every year.

So, getting back to the question: what is a petabyte? A single PB is 1,024 TB — or more than 1 quadrillion bytes! That’s a heck of a lot of data. 

“1 PB is equivalent to over 4,000 digital photos per day over your entire life.” — Lifewire.

So if you’re generating a lot of video content, it’s easy to work out that you’re going to need a lot of storage space and the cloud might be your best option.

Cloud is the champion

Using a cloud-based platform provides more advantages than just storage. It facilitates you to share media across projects, groups or channels and to respond quickly to partners, distributors or clients.

No doubt you’ll be channeling a particular promotional campaign though your social profiles, website, email marketing software and you’ll want it to look amazing on mobile. So you need all of these to work off the same set of base assets for that campaign.

Getting your video out there

And then there’s outputting. How many versions of your video do you need? Disney has to create 234 versions of every film it produces to accommodate the aspect ratios of the various distribution channels (cinema, broadcast and streaming) and to supply versions in different languages for worldwide distribution.

Once you’ve decided on the number of versions you’d like to create, then there’s the quandary of formatting each one. How do you export your video file in formats optimised for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and all of the other different platforms without a degree in transcoding or bribing a highly-skilled technician? The secret is (shhh, don’t tell anyone): choose a platform that does all of this heavy lifting for you. And preferably one that automates it.

“81% of businesses say video increases sales.” — Optinmonster

Saving $$$

With the time saved on collaboration, reviews, approvals and outputting of your video assets — not to mention the cost savings on sending “urgent” DVDs/drives via FedEx or UPS — it’s a no-brainer to use a streamlined platform to manage your video projects. One login, one solution, one happy you!

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